innuSPEED Soil DNA Kit 2.0

The innuSPEED Soil DNA Kit 2.0 is a tool for extracting microbial DNA from soil samples. 


The extraction combines rapid homogenization of extremely complex starting material with efficient digestion of microbial cell walls in specially developed Lysis Tubes (using a SpeedMill, Retsch mixer mill or other homogenizer). After mechanical lysis followed by a thermal lysis step, the DNA is selectively bound to the surface of a spin filter membrane. A novel wash buffer efficiently removes inhibitors such as humic acids. Finally, DNA is eluted from the membrane using a low-salt buffer.

Sample type/Starting material

Extraction time
Homogenization and lysis: 30 minutes
Purification: approx. 16 minutes

Average yield
Depends on the type and quantity of microorganisms in the soil
Up to 30 µg

Starting material
Soil samples (400 mg)

Binding capacity
Column binding capacity: > 30 µg DNA

Average purity
1,7 – 2,0

10 / 50 / 100 / 250 (either or)
Order information
845-KS-1580010 / 10 reactions / € 65.00
845-KS-1580050 / 50 reactions / € 300.00