innuSOLV RNA Reagent

The innuSOLV RNA Reagent is a solution for efficiently isolating total RNA from various quantities of different starting materials (such as tissue samples, cells, bacterial cells, plants, etc.).


The extraction method is based on a single-step, liquid-phase separation that saves a significant amount of time. The innuSOLV RNA Reagent contains a mixture of phenol and guanidine isothiocyanate in a monophasic solution. After adding chloroform and centrifuging, the homogenization product separates into three phases:

  • A reddish, organic phase at the bottom
  • A whitish interphase
  • A colorless liquid phase on top containing the RNA

The RNA is then precipitated by adding an alcohol. Extraction with the innuSOLV RNA Reagent produces high-quality nucleic acids with no degradation that are suitable for a variety of different applications within just 1 hour of prep time.

Sample type/Starting material
Cell culture (incl. supernatant or medium)

Preperation time
Approx. 60 minutes

Starting material
Tissue samples (100 mg)
Monolayer cells
Cell suspensions (of animal or plant origin; yeast or bacterial cells; max. 5 × 10exp6)

10 / 50 / 100 / 250 (either or)
Order information
845-SB-2090010 / 10 reactions / € 21.00
845-SB-2090100 / 100 reactions / € 131.25